Friday, July 29, 2011


Ooooooo and here it is, a piece of Montreal history. My exact studio address unit 32A, 999 rue Du College, scribbled by the infamous late Guido Molinari in his studio, where he was to meet another well known Canadian painter Tom Hopkins.

Good Art

Sometimes you see something and you think "Wow! I want to cry because that is so good!!". It is a delightfully, delicious experience. Here are 2 examples. One a gorgeous horror vacui intaglio work by the artist Peter Klucik and two is this solo dance piece by Eric Underwood from the British royal Ballet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Poem for Fiona Kinsella

I wrote a poem inspired by C Magazine's article on Fiona Kinsella's cake work. mmmmmmMMmmmmm it was also inspired by finding a beautifully kept old book of Nonsense by Edward Lear in someone's sidewalk giveaway garbage on Henri-Julien.

Here it is:
In Deutsch

Die SchwarzwälderkirschtortemitdenAugen sieht mich an.
Es folgt mir durch den Raum, grell behutsam auf meine Gabel und Löffel.

Stop it SchwarzwälderkirschtortemitdenAugen! oder ich fresse dich

Wimpern und Tränen und Gericht und alle.


The Black-forest-cake-with-eyes is looking at me.
It follows me about the room, glaring warily at my fork and spoon.

Stop it Black-forest-cake-with-eyes s! or I will eat you up
Eyelashes and tears and judgement and all.